Investors will validate pre-existing investments and stock ownership to create an accurate market capitalization sheet for your company. 投资者将确认过去的投资和持股情况,为投资对象的公司创建一个准确的市值表。
Important changes in the structure of a company's stock ownership; (三)公司股权结构的重大变化;
Mixed-ownership enterprises will be allowed to utilize employee stock ownership to form a vested community of capital owners and workers. 允许混合所有制经济实行企业员工持股,形成资本所有者和劳动者利益共同体。
Early in his tenure, Mr. Putin put in place policies that were favorable toward investors, which bolstered profit. When the company lifted restrictions on foreign stock ownership in 2006, its share price briefly soared. 在任期之初,普京出台了多项对投资者有利的政策,提振了公司利润。俄气2006年取消对外资持股的限制之后,其股价一度大幅上涨。
Research on Employee Stock Ownership Plan of Chinese Intelligence-Typed Enterprises 我国知识密集型企业员工持股计划探究
The deeper reasons for these defects lie in the improper stock ownership structure and the drawbacks of "Corporation Law" in China. 其公司法人治理结构存在缺陷的深层次原因,是公司股权结构不合理及我国《公司法》自身存在一些缺陷。
All state-owned and state-controlled financial enterprise shall, under the relevant provisions, suspend the execution of equity incentive plans and employee stock ownership plans. 各国有及国有控股金融企业根据有关规定暂时停止实施股权激励和员工持股计划。
This is the major risk of stock ownership merger and acquisition and also the hardest risk to prevent. 这是股权并购的主要风险,也是最难防范的风险。
In recent years, our country introduces employee stock ownership to the reform of state-owned enterprise, bringing many new problems at the same time of making progress. 近年来我国在国企改制和重组过程中引进职工入股方式,取得成就的同时也产生不少新问题。
Employee Stock Ownership Plan is one kind of special system in the business management. 员工持股制度是企业管理中的一种特殊制度。
Bank of China and China Construction Bank, two of China's top four commercial banks, will initiate employee stock ownership plans in the near future as part of their employee incentive programmes. 中行和建行,中国四大商业银行中的两家,不久将率先施行员工持股计划,以此作为“员工激励机制”计划的一部分。
Stock ownership incentive is applied generally in the Western countries as a long-term incentive system. 股权激励制度作为一种长期激励机制在美国等西方国家首先得到普遍应用。
A New Motivating Mechanism& Employee Stock Ownership Trust; 一种新的激励机制&员工持股信托(ESOT)
One of the provisions of the loan guarantees was an employee stock ownership plan for our workers. 在贷款保证的各种条款中,有一条规定让我们的工人拥有职工股票的计划。
Significant employee stock ownership aligns the interests of our employees and our shareholders. 员工大量持股可以使员工与股东的利益协调一致。
The Employee Stock Ownership Plan ( ESOP) is an effective incentive system of the enterprise. 员工持股制度是一种有效的企业激励机制。
The stock ownership incentive is one kind salary pattern of the distribution institution and the property right institution innovating, can effective solve the flaw of the salary system of our country state-owned listed companies which does not have incentive inside and does have restraint outside. 摘要股权激励是一种分配制度和产权制度创新的薪酬模式,能够有效解决我国国有上市公司高管人员薪酬体制内无激励外无约束的弊端。
In this article I talked of that under this mode the detailed arrangement of the stock ownership structure and some still ineluctable problem. 在这篇文章里我详细论述了该模式下股权结构的细化安排及一些仍然不可避免的问题。
Chinese citizens will be able to participate in overseas listed companies 'employee stock ownership and stock option plans. 中国公民将能够参与海外上市公司的雇员股权及股票期权计划。
At present, the expressions of capital socialization in capitalist countries include decentralization of stocks, employee stock ownership plan ( ESOP), mixed sector of economy and so on. 在当代资本主义国家,资本社会化表现为股权分散化、职工持股计划以及混合所有制经济等。
The source, content of employee stock ownership plans ( ESOP) is introduced and compare it with other ownership systems. 简要介绍了员工持股计划的起源、内容,并和其他股权制度做了比较。
Also, all employees can participate in a stock ownership plan. 此外,所有员工都能参与一个持股计划。
Stock ownership of a corporation represented by shares usually in the form of certificates. 股份公司股份的所有权证明,通常为证书形式。
"The employee stock ownership plan is an important part of financial institutions'joint stock reform," Zhou said earlier. “员工持股计划是金融机构合股改革的一个重要部分”,周小川早期层说。
A Study of Employee Stock Ownership Based on Strategic Management: A Perspective of Resource-Based View 基于战略管理的股权激励研究:资源基础观视角
Employee stock ownership plans 员工股份持有制方案
Consequently, bargains in business ownership, which simply are not available directly through corporate acquisition, can be obtained indirectly through stock ownership. 因此,在拥有实业方面,便宜货在企业并购中根本不能直接获得,但却可以通过股票所有权间接获得。
With the development and reform of enterprises in China, Employee Stock Ownership Plan ( ESOP) receives more and more attention and is utilized in China. 随着我国企业改革发展的需要,员工持股越来越受到重视,并在我国企业中得到了应用。
When founder Ren Zhengfei could not get enough money from China banks after establishing the group in 1987, he set up an employee stock ownership programme. 1987年,任正非创立了华为,随后他无法从中国各家银行筹集到足够的资金,于是他设立了一项员工持股计划。
Study on the Applicability of Employee Stock Ownership Plan of Enterprise in China and It's Mode to Implement 企业员工持股在我国的适用性及实施模式研究